
Monday, January 30, 2012

Project 52 - 2012 week 4

Emotions....something definitely not lacking in this home.  I could share so many many with you, but I will spare you, and just share two for this week. 
First up DD is sick and therefore feeling rather BORED.
Secondly, DD has rather had it with my camera in her face...I think she looks a bit....IRRITATED.  Don't worry....I put my camera up....and no DDs were hurt during the making of these photographs.
Now off you go to circle around and see the many emotions my very talented photographer friends have witnessed this week.  Starting with Sarah Phillips of MG Design Photograhy in Lincoln, CA


  1. The eyes say it all in the first one and the body language is loud and clear in the second! Good shots, both!

  2. i love the authenticity and tenderness. black and white is perfect. really good job. the second shot makes you feel what she is feeling. your style is great, tiffany :)

  3. both are so sweet! But I love the hand on the face of the little one...precious!

  4. I receive the same look when mine are sick. I can see it in her eyes - mom make this go away. And the second cracks me up. Great job.
