Memory is not one of my strengths. I don't remember a lot about my life in detail. Just blippits. It seems to me, that it is mostly a blur. Perhaps underlying my love for photography is the need to preserve a memory. If there is a visual (and perhaps a statement to go with it) then I am more likely to recall that precious moment, that stage, or that event. While I LOVE my photographs and my amazing camera and lenses, I have lost sight of the many moments that take place each and every day. I am striving to do better in capturing just the simple pleasures of my everyday life with my family. My iphone is one of the best things I could have for helping me do this. It is always handily in my pocket or bag! I may not be happy that these pictures are by no means perfect photographs, but they are perfect memories!
This week, I didn't capture much on my instagram....but here is what I did get:
Playing before school
Being cool
My girl
Review with dad
Steak n shake
Just so cute
Love hurts doggie
Pretend sleep
Now circle around to memories by
- Karen Porter, Austin TX Photographer -